"Shaping strong bodies inside and out"

Become a Certified Health & Fitness Professional

Chiseled Faith Coach
Primary Group X Instructor

Personal Trainer

Pilates Practitioner

Yoga Practitioner

Boot Camp Instructor

Aqua Fitness Instructor

CORE Instructor

Cycling Instructor

​Kickboxing Instructor

Group Barbell Instructor

& More

​FiTOUR® provides nationally recognized fitness certifications and CEC Workshops to Fitness Professionals across the globe. Since 1992, over 125,000 satisfied Fitness Professionals have become FITOUR® certified instructors through our certification and continuing education workshops.FiTOUR® Mission Statement: To provide high-quality, convenient and affordable certifications and continuing education that enables fitness professionals to lead their participants to improved health and wellness, fitness levels and quality of life.FiTOUR® provides both Fitness Certifications and Continuing Education opportunities to fitness professionals around the world. All FiTOUR®educational products can be obtained by attending a FiTOUR® Educational Program in your area or online via an in-home course.

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